Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where did November go?!?

November was a whirlwind of a month. Since my "Lone Runner" post, I have logged thirty-four miles (all of them with Kay)! We celebrated a wonderful Thanksgiving and my dad's 65th birthday on November 30th. AND ... I got engaged! Owen asked me to marry him on November 21st. It was totally unexpected! I finished a rather long day at work and went on a quick run with Kay (because Owen and I had dinner plans that night). Neither of us really felt like running. We originally intended to do a quick three miles around the reservoir, but we made it as far as the football field. It was so funny! We lapped the football field a few times and headed back home. Owen showed up while I was getting ready. He seemed like he was antsy for dinner ... so I hurried to get ready. Every time I left my room and came back, he was sitting in a different location. I was about to ask him if he was feeling okay, when he closed the door to my bedroom and took my hand. He said that he had something to ask me. Then, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I said yes, Yes, YES! He gave me a beautiful ring, and filled me in on everything that had happened up to that point (the pre-proposal story). I was pretty speechless for a couple of minutes because this was all so unexpected! Then, I got a little teary and started laughing. THEN, I was just so excited! We drove home to tell his parents the news and then drove to tell my dad. My dad's reaction was totally priceless, and I wouldn't change it for the world. He kissed my hand and shook Owen's hand. He couldn't have been happier. Owen and I were so excited that we almost forgot to eat dinner. We grabbed subs around 9pm ... and headed back to my house. I think that I said "oh my gosh" about a hundred times that weekend. Again, this has been a whirlwind of a month ... but I've managed to keep up with my running! Now, I really need to keep up with my fundraising and blogging.

I sent out over two hundred emails a couple weeks ago and started a DFMC group on Facebook. I plan on asking all of my Facebook friends for $10.00 contributions. This was a great suggestion at the DFMC runners' meeting the other day! I guess you could call it my "Aha moment." The meeting on Thursday was excellent. Steve Koppel addressed the economy and how it will impact our fundraising. Tyler collected fundraising suggestions from the audience. Jan handled the "administrative stuff" and Jack talked about training. We also heard from Ryan at the Boston Running Company, who gave a great talk on dressing for the winter. It was a great surprise when we found out that he participated in the Olympic trials in NYC!

Tomorrow will be a busy day. I'm going to run the hills at 9am with Kay. Then, I'm going to take a GMAT practice exam because I'm taking the GMAT on December 29th. I need to write my fundraising letter and secure some ice for the Skate to Freeze Cancer 2. I also need to do my laundry, cleaning, Peapod grocery shopping, and buy gifts for my mom, Owen and Emily. Busy, busy because Christmas is just around the corner!

Please sponsor my run at

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