Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gifts of Bread and Water

With less than a month to go until the marathon, running seems to be the last thing on my mind this week. My lovely grandmother passed away (ironically on the first day of spring) after battling both cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Calling hours took place on Monday and the funeral service was this morning. My family came across a previous blog post about my grandmother and asked me to spontaneously share some of my favorite memories during the prayer service. I was also asked to "bring the gifts" during the funeral service on Monday morning with the other grandchildren. In other words, the cousins were responsible for bringing the bread and water to the priest in preparation of Communion.

After I arrived home late this afternoon, my body felt physically and emotionally drained of all energy. I put on my pajamas sometime after five o'clock in anticipation of a nice, long nap. As I climbed into bed and pulled the covers over my head, I remembered Jack's comments about the importance of a good attitude. I've never seen my grandmother frown, so I decided to "turn my frown upside-down." I traded my comfy, green pants and fuzzy slippers for black running tights and blister-free socks. I laced up my running sneakers and went for a fourteen mile "jog." I guess I had some leftover energy after all! I didn't bother to wear a watch because I wanted to run for the "sake of finishing." I ran seven miles to Owen's house. When I arrived, he gave me the same "gifts" that I delivered to the priest earlier on in the day. I snacked on a quick slice of bread and Owen filled my water bottle before I ventured back outside to finish another seven miles.

I'm so glad that I decided to run this afternoon because the fresh air soothed some of my inner aches and pains. Today's run was both steady and slow, but I enjoyed reminiscing about some of my favorite "Grandma memories." My workout gave me a good kick in the butt and a hug at the same time. Now, it's time for a well-deserved nap.

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