Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mud Therapy

Six miler ... cChHeEeEcccK. Five miler ... cChHeEeEcccK. I've been coming up with some creative ways to get my running hours in without wreaking too much havoc on my body. Concrete offers no shock absorption, so it's best to run on soft, even surfaces whenever possible. I decided to revisit some of my summer running routes because many of them contain dirt paths. On Sunday morning, I ventured outdoors for my first run after battling peroneal tendonitis. I signed a contract with myself, however, stating that I, the undersigned, would take things slow and stop my workout if I felt any "bad pain." Keep in mind that there's "good pain" and "bad pain" in marathon training. Good pain feels like: WOW! I just finished eighteen miles and I can't move. Bad pain feels like: OUCH! Sharp, stabbing pains just shot up my leg and it's time for that amputation.

Let's change the subject: The weather was beautiful on Sunday morning. I completed six pain-free miles in the MUD! Yes, MUD! It was FANTASTIC! The feeling of stomping through the MUD was so invigorating and empowering that I decided to do it again on Tuesday! I followed a different MUD path early in the morning and experienced no pain in my knee or foot! Now I understand why some women pay good money to soak in a MUD bath. The MUD treatment comes highly recommended!

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